Life Group Questions-The Benefits of Fearing God
Prov. 23:17 – “Be continually zealous [passionate] for the fear of the Lord.”
1. Pastor Bo taught us that there are benefits to fearing God. Tell the group what ministered to you during this message.
2. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Knowledge was defined as understanding how God has wired the universe vs. simple data accumulation. How can we seek God for knowledge? In what area would you like this kind of knowledge?
3. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Wisdom makes application of knowledge to daily life. Do you feel like you are wise in a particular area of your life? If so, in what area? If not, what area would you like this kind of wisdom?
4. The Lord has compassion on those who fear Him. Are you grateful for God’s compassion? Tell the group of a recent time where you could feel God’s compassion poured out on you.
5. Read Proverbs 19:23 – What kind of life do you believe this scripture is speaking of? There are two significant points in this verse: Unbothered & rests content. What is an area of your life where you wish you were unbothered, or where you could rest content? How do we get there?